Sunday, 17 April 2011

"Alright! It's Saturday night, I have no date...

.... a two-litre bottle of Shasta and my all-Rush mix tape. Let's rock!"

Today I watched 'I love you, man' and the two main characters are Rush nuts. I first came across this song thanks to Fry in Futurama (who provided the blog title quote), and I think it walks the line between being awesome and tacky very adequately. Great for air drumming.

Ah man I post too many videos


  1. "I'm sllllapping the bass mon! I'm slapping the basssss!"

    Funnily enough Stu and I bought this last week, the concert scene reminds me of you and me at gigs!!

  2. hahaha awww I loved it, I wish we had a man cave we could play band in x
