Monday, 2 January 2012

sequins, shoulder pads and smugness

I've had this top for a fair few months now but always chickened out of wearing it. Then that bloody sequinned t-shirt was in H&M and mine didn't seem so special anymore but HAHA, mine was a fiver from the St Francis  Charity Shop in Upminster.I thought it was appropriate for New Years as it is rather festive and blingy and good for dressing up jeans, which are not my strong point, which means the whole smart/casual look sort of evades me. I'm usually either dressed like a teenage boy or trussed up like a teen prostitute. I'm hoping I pulled it off though.

I went back again more recently to the St Francis shop and managed to buy my secret santa from there too; I think it might be my favourite charity shop in Upminster, either that or the RSPCA one. Both have great prices and amazing stock. At Christmas, St Francis' had a whole circular hanging rail of VELOUR! How I managed to not buy anything from it is baffling. Although the same day I got this sequinned top I did get a beautiful blue velvet skirt from the Sue Ryder shop in Upminster too. I have worn it a couple of times but have not had a chance to photograph but it must be added asap. Happy New Year yaddayaddayadda....

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