Sunday, 1 July 2012

hot like Mexico

Last night my flatmate had people over for some Mexican style grub and I helped cook/provided the Margaritas. Making and eating the churros was the best bit, mmm. Typically overdressed I wore this vintage ruffle sleeved dress that I swiped when my flatmate was having a clear out. I had my eye on it since I first ever saw it and couldn't hide my delight when I saw it in her charity bag. In preparing for the Mexican night we discovered this awesome shop that is so near to our flat that we couldn't believe we never knew it was there before! The skull and feather earring is Little Wing.

The tan is Vita Liberata which I definitely recommend as it is the only product I have tried that does not smell of fake tan at all.

1 comment:

  1. FITTTT! You look amazing. The dress looks great on you. Hope the mexican night was fun! xx
