Monday, 12 March 2012

hi Wayne

I've been loving this sleeveless leopard print shirt again. It was £4 from the Cancer Research charity shop in Reading a few years back. I like that the texture is quite rough and it looks kind of grungey; its quite baggy and it looks great with ripped black jeans but I've always really wanted to wear it with cycle shorts like I'm in a late '80s hair metal band.

I saw some similar style shirts in River Island today (pictured below). Of course you could probably do this yourself by hacking the arms off of a cheap check shirt from a charity shop...

I also like to wear this enormous leopard print brooch* I got from my friend Netty's stall at Oxford Market on it. Honestly this was the best picture I could find to demonstrate....

*turns out I just accidentally sent this brooch through a wash cycle but it came out unscathed, phew!

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