Tuesday, 20 March 2012

it's a family affair (paisley appreciation society part 3)

On Mothering Sunday we took Mumma out to The Mill House in Swallowfield (coincidentally just down the road from the wedding reception I had been at the night before). I would highly recommend, EVERYTHING ON THE SWEETS MENU WAS AMAZING (as a family of 6 you often have a lot of bases covered regarding menus) and it would make a lovely wedding venue, as my mother repeatedly pointed out (she'll be waiting a while, poor dear). 

Mother looked beautiful, and the family as a collective were repping charity shop buys quite prominently. Farv's jacket and shoes were from charity shops, my sister Amy's cardie was from a charity shop and her bag is an old hand-me-down from Muv. I kept it for years because I loved the colour but never really used it so I passed it on. The bag I am finding myself using most often at the moment was a total bargain from the RSPCA shop in Upminster - £2.50. I adore it. 

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