Saturday, 31 March 2012

the south american Mr T

Last week I was having a tidy and sort, and a look through my jewellery and I found a pendant I have had for years but never put on a chain before. I was given it by Netty (previously mentioned I'm sure as she pretty much sourced all of my great second hand jewellery) and I thought I remembered her saying it was Spanish silver. I thought it looked Incan so I have googled it and I think I could be right. It looks like the Incan creator god Viracocha, who is ' represented as wearing the sun for a crown, with thunderbolts in his hands, and tears descending from his eyes as rain.' If anyone is able to clarify if this is correct I would really appreciate it.

Unfortunately it can be quite hard to photograph detailed jewelley but I hope you get the idea. I was piling on all of my jewellery as I found it, including siver rings and a silver bracelet with a moon charm on, hence the blog title

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