I got this tie dye scarf from one of the East End Thrift Store's 'throw loads in a bag for £10/£20' events. I think they had their last ever one a couple of weeks ago, which is probably a good thing because I come away with a load of random shit. This scarf was quite a good grab though. I love the colours, its very 'Lords of Dogtown', and quite '90s too, which is all good with me. Despite the fact that on this night I wore it with a crop top and formal joggers. I stole these pictures from Elle because I forgot my camera - I left the house holding my shoes and with all of the labels still attached to my clothes, my mum cut them out for me at the bus stop with a smuggled pair of scissors - so I wasn't very prepared. In hindsight I don't know how I feel about me in a crop top but as I said, I've cut the labels off now...
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