Monday, 9 April 2012

children of the night

"Listen to them, children of the night, what music they make!"

I have been meaning to get my classic horror movie education since I watched the 1920 adaptation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde starring John Barrymore, so I rather selfishly bought my boyfriend a box set of classic horror films for his birthday this year. We had both really enjoyed Mark Gatiss' series 'A History of Horror' so I thought he would like to see these to. 

We kicked off by watching 'Dracula' starring Bela Lugosi. Obvi its an adaptation of Bram Stoker's book, which by the way, if you haven't read YOU MUST. I know the story has been remade so many ways but I still recommend a read. I also recommend that you read Robert Louis Stevenson's 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jeyll and Mr. Hyde' if you haven't already but hey, I like books. 

It was great, I love 1930s make-up with the long, thin brows. I also love classic movie posters and I will get this one:

I have also decided that it is time to watch Tod Browning's 'Freaks', even though it will scare the crap out of me, and I am particularly fearful of anything starring Lon Chaney as his character transformations are terrifying. I know I am very behind the times with all this but I still thought I'd share. Shinfo.

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